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Die StadtSpionin
a p r i l 23 | 27. - 3.

Tipps der Stadtspionin


"Heya Girls!"
The Pony Carousel is actually one of my favourite places in the Prater. The domed building dates back to 1887, so it's older than the Ferris wheel. Today, of course, there are no more ponies running pointlessly around in circles here, it's now a stylish café with a pink and gold cake counter, jungle wallpaper on the ceiling and Mexican tiles. And in this unusual place, the well-known chef Roman Steger is now cooking the world's greatest love stories a few times. It starts on 27 April with the well-known tragic love story of Crown Prince Rudolf and Mary Vetsera. The six-course menu composed to accompany it is secret, but will be accompanied by hidden love letters and historical details that many probably did not know until now. A cooking show the likes of which have never been seen before in Vienna: the gracious gourmet suddenly finds herself in the midst of the Viennese aristocracy of 1889. With all their candied worries and perfumed gossip at court. Could be a feudal evening ;-)
Wishing you an enticing week,
Your CitySpotterGirl
Ponykarussell, Karl-Kolarik-Weg 1, Prater 86a, 1020 Vienna. 27 April 19:00. 149 €. Web
Photo: Ponykarussel
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Cirque du Soleil
Cirque du Soleil: Luzia
The most beautiful circus in the world is back in town! The current show title Luzia combines the Spanish words “Luz” (light) and “Iluvia” (rain) – two elements that form the core of the spectacle. Water in particular surprises again and again as a cascade or rain, which a clumsy parachutist stranded in Mexico encounters on his adventures. Fascinating acrobatics, pole dance interludes and juggling are skilfully combined with music, comedy and theatre, always with reference to Mexican culture. And the stage design and costumes will make your eyes sparkle all night long!
Grand Chapiteau Neu Marx, Karl-Farkas-Gasse, 1030 Vienna. 27 April 19:30. From 57 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 viktoria katalin zoe
Eli Preiss
90s hip hop caresses 2000s aesthetics and flirts with RnB glam – that's pretty much how you could describe Eli Preiss' nostalgically tinged future sound. The Viennese singer/songwriter manages to weave heavy themes like the desire for more self-determination and her own role as a woman in society into her songs in a surprisingly casual way. Today, together with her collective Swift Circle, she makes the stage at the Flex shake and those who have seen the videos of the “Bossbitch Anthem” and “Slide” singer know: you may also look forward to a thoroughly eccentric outfit!
Flex, Donaukanal/Augartenbrücke, 1010 Vienna. 27 April 20:00. 24.50 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Ingo Pertramer
Tian Staff Food
Yummy! This makes our gourmet heart happy. Because as of today, Tian is also serving food in Herrengasse, in addition to its two vegetarian gourmet spots. The pop-up restaurant is inspired by the “Staff Food” from the top restaurant: before each evening service, there is a 3-course menu for the staff, whatever they are craving is prepared and everyone has a turn at cooking. In addition to the Tian classics, the burger and tartar, the pop-up menu features a potpourri of changing dishes, matching vino and sweet patisserie sins (also available as take-away). Until 30 June!
Tian Staff Food, Herrengasse 6/8, 1010 Vienna. Until 30 June. Tue-Fri 11:45 to 19:00. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Carla Pop-up
That’s how you do second-hand vintage shopping! To make sure searchers don't have to rummage through it all to detect the best finds in the 2 large Caritas warehouses, a professional “sorter” has taken over. From today, all vintage “top-of-the-pops” can be bought at the new Carla pop-up on Mariahilferstraße, and it’s worth dropping by: On 400 sqm you find fashion and accessories at a price per kilo, useful and iconic household items, reading and listening material for sunny hours on the balcony as well as some stylish furniture. Shopping is possible until September!
Carla, Mariahilferstraße 3, 1060 Vienna. 28 April-Sept. Mon-Fri 10:00 to 19:00, Sat 10:00 to 18:00. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Günther Scharf
Joining in without being there – Zoom & co make it possible. Moving freely at an event without being present definitely feels futuristic, though. The artist Günther Scharf suffers from multiple sclerosis and is dependent on eye control and voice command, which inspired him to explore the possibilities of digitalisation for inclusion. The result: Today, he presents his imaginative works on the topic of “Fraktale”, created by mathematical formulas, and thanks to an avatar, he can personally open and accompany his vernissage without being on site. Fantastic!
Haus der Begegnung Mariahilf, Königsegggasse 10, 1060 Vienna. Vernissage 28 April 15:00. Free entry. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Julia Stix
„Gemischter Satz” Festival with Franui
A glass of wine with the arts is once again on offer at the Vienna Konzerthaus. For two days, the ten-member Musikbanda Franui will be bringing together first-class musicians and actors in the halls, corridors and foyers of the Konzerthaus for a “Gemischter Satz” (mixed set) of the arts. Today, numerous artists from different genres will kick off the festival and the Musicbanda Franui will lead us through their very special artistic vineyard in three concert sets. Of course, there will also be the real, namesake droplet – a feast for all the senses!
Wiener Konzerthaus, Lothringerstraße 20, 1030 Vienna. 28+29 April. From 19:00. From 25 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Harry Baker
Exciting! Today, they battle at the Künstlerhaus. Only verbally, fortunately, because four virtuoso language artists, including the reigning world champion Harry Baker, present poetry slam at its best. Whether rhymed, narrated, rapped, whispered, shouted or spoken, from lyric to onomatopoeia to everyday prose, diary entries or dialect poetry – the poetic performances are intended to bring together fans of living language and lovers of fine arts. That's why all the poetic performances pick up on the current exhibition “On the road again”, which, by the way, can be admired during the break.
Künstlerhaus Wien
, Karlsplatz 5, 1010 Vienna. 29 April 15:00 to 17:00. 16 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
City Farm Spring Festival 
Blooming prospects for the weekend! The City Farm, Vienna's coolest garden project, welcomes spring with a big festival and invites you to experience tours through its beds and a colourful programme in the Augarten. City gardeners and herb witches can learn all sorts of things and equip themselves. In addition to delicious organic food, a reading lounge will provide a feel-good atmosphere. The festival is also the prelude to the big Young Plant Market: over 300 classic vegetables and herbs are waiting for a new home in the gardens and on the balconies of this city.
City Farm, Obere Augartenstraße 1, 1020 Vienna. 29 April 10:00 to 19:00. Free admission. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Susa Kreuzberger
Best dresses Vintage-Sale
When a fashion designer offers discarded treasures from her private wardrobe for sale, you can safely assume that it’s going to be spectacular. That’s the case today in Susa Kreuzberger's showroom: here the Austro designer offers discarded vintage pieces by yamamoto, Margiela & co. Included are clothes, shoes, bags and sunglasses as well as analogue cameras and other refinements. Plus: Samples, individual pieces from past collections and fine fabrics will also be on offer at bargain prices. True for everything: cash only!
Susa Kreuzberger, Kettenbrückengasse 20, 1040 Vienna. 29 April 10:00 to 17:00. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Ceramic Art at Weinhandwerk
There are places in Vienna where you would never believe you are in a city of millions. In the picturesque Kellergasse in Stammersdorf, for example, or at the end of it, a little to the left up the Bisamberg, in the Weinhandwerk. In theory it's a Heuriger, in reality it's one of the most idyllic places in Vienna. And in the middle of the vineyards, ceramic artist Patricia is exhibiting her pastel to sunny yellow ceramics today. From egg cups to candle holders to tableware, the happy-maker pieces can be shopped for your home. By the way, they also make a great gift for Mother's Day!
Weinhandwerk, Bisamberg, Senderstraße 27, 1210 Vienna. 30 April from 12:00. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Schanigarten Hopping
Is there anything better than feeling the first sun kisses on your skin? Yes, namely when you're being sun-kissed while feasting your way through various delicacies in the Schanigarten! The best way to do that this weekend is to go Schanigarten hopping with the Querfeld family, because until tomorrow there will be delicacies at a special price in their 9 restaurants, such as Café Landtmann or Bootshaus. So you could start the day with breakfast in Schönbrunn's Kronprinzengarten, toast with prosecco in the city and enjoy a sundowner on the old Danube. So plan your route and go!
9 venues, various locations in Vienna, 28 April-1 May. Detailed route plan online
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Jedermann Razelli RMX
Raucous, noisy, scratchy and intoxicating: probably the most exciting actor in Austria at the moment is roaring through the Stadtsaal today! At the Salzburg Festival, theatre berserker Philipp Hochmair shone when he spontaneously stood in for the ill “Jedermann” Tobias Moretti. He also succeeded because he is intensively working on the role for his own project “Jedermann Reloaded”. Now, together with Kurt Razelli, comes another new interpretation of Hofmannsthal's mystery play, somewhere between avant-garde and electro-culture. Brilliant!
Stadtsaal, Mariahilfer Straße 81, 1060 Vienna. 30 April 19:30. From 22.50€. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
ANZEIGE  Zum Programm
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Archiv Yasmeen Lari
Architekturzentrum Wien
If you still need inspiration for your holiday planning, it's best to make a detour to the Architekturzentrum. Because there’s free entry for everyone today! All current exhibitions can be visited throughout the day. There will also be a guided tour of the “Hot Questions – Cold Storage” collection, and the zero-carbon self-build movement for climate refugees by Pakistani architect Yasmeen Lari will also be examined in more detail. And if you're in a building frenzy afterwards, the Lego construction site offers young and old alike the chance to build their very own dream city with Lego bricks on 100 sqm!

Architektur Zentrum Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna. 1 May 10:00 to 19:00. Free admission. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 das techno cafe
techno cafe opening 
Well, here we go again! From now on, Tuesday evenings are firmly scheduled again. Tuesday lovers and fans of good beats in good company meet weekly at the Volksgarten Pavillon for the techno cafe and spend the hopefully soon warm evenings with DJs and drinks. If need be, they can even go on into the night. After all, not every day is a Tuesday. Today is the big kick-off event of the legendary Tuesday Club with Black Elektronika from Berlin and Paul Raal. So, get out a cool outfit, put on your sunglasses and get in line. The sooner you come, the longer you'll be inside ;-)

Volksgarten Pavillon, 1010 Vienna. Opening 2 May 18:00 to 3:45. 9 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Asparagus from Alfred Mühl Farm
The best detox diet in spring is: eating asparagus. If you want a very special asparagus, you have to go to the outskirts of the city to Aderklaa these days. The insider's tip is called: Bauernhof Mühl. The weather was a bit cold, but in the meantime the asparagus is cut every day – and every day, even on Sundays and holidays, you can buy it fresh in the beautiful farm shop. Of course, there are both the green and the white spears, and despite the outstanding taste, the price here is most pleasing. Soon they will also have strawberries again – and magnificent peonies.

Alfred Mühl, Flurgasse 23, 2232 Aderklaa. Mon-Fri 8:00 to 18:00, Sat+Sun until 17:00. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Monika Herbstrith-Lappe
Aufblühen statt Ausglühen
To bury one's head in the sea of possibilities instead of in the sand – that’s what Monika Herbstrith-Lappe has made her life's mission. As a self-confessed ex-workaholic, the expert for motivation and humour always tries to get to the bottom of the possibilities of lightness ­– and to find the golden mean between healthy performance and disease-inducing performance pressure. In her new book, she gives valuable tips on how to counteract psychologically stressful pressure and prevent burnout. The relax-reading starts today at 19:00!

Club alpha, Stubenbastei 12/14, 1010 Vienna. 3 May. From 19:00. 10 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Musical Mamis & Papis
It's getting colourful again at the Metropol! The “Musical Mamis & Papis” offer a brilliant concert with a witty mix of musical, pop and cabaret. For the 16th time, professional singing and dancing “Mamis” like Monika Ballwein, Shlomit Butbul, Aida Loos or Marika Lichter and “Papis” like Martin Berger and Martin Bermoser will heat up the stage for a good cause. Because the net proceeds will go to YoungMum, an institution that supports pregnant teenagers. The musical amusement-jamboree starts today at 20:00!

Metropol, Hernalser Hauptstraße 55, 1170 Vienna. 3 May 20:00. 35 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Technisches Museum
Women at Work
Revolutionary at the time, almost forgotten today: In 1873, the famous Vienna World's Fair was the first to focus on the female world of work with the “Women's Pavilion”. This type of exhibition, which was completely new at the time, pioneered the visualisation of women's work. For the 150th anniversary of the Vienna World's Fair, the Museum of Technology provides insights into the reality of women's work at that time with lots of original objects, archives and photos. For even more women's power, workshops encourage a relaxed approach to maths, computer science and technology. 

Technisches Museum, Mariahilferstraße 212, 1140 Vienna. Mo-Fr 9:00 to 18:00, Sa-So 10:00 to 18:00. 16 €. Web
​Shop of the Week 
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Niklas Schnaubelt
De Montis
When you enter, you imagine the smell of ripe lemons, juicy tomatoes and spicy basil pesto – all of which would fit perfectly on the good-mood Bordallo Pinhero dishes, which are beautifully decorated everywhere. And just in general, the new store by Astrid and Fabrizio De Montis (previously Interni Toscani) definitely exudes dolce vita vibes. You'll find everything for setting the table, home accessories and mafia-free (!) food from Libera Terra. Especially nice: the new logo, a pink flower drawing, is inspired by a cushion that Astrid was given by her father as a child. How cute!

De Montis, Lindengasse 16, 1070 Vienna. Tue-Fri 10:00 to 18:00, Sat 10:00 to 14:00. Web
​Restaurant of the Week 
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Gelage am Brunnen
A stroke of luck for Margareten! Hakan Yavuz has settled down on Siebenbrunnenplatz, which wasn’t yet known for culinary highs. He counters the kebab and mobile phone shop neighbourhood with his excellent cuisine using regional ingredients. And at very pleasant prices, meaning much cheaper than a little further towards the city centre. The extensive breakfast menu (incl. eggs Benedict) is surprising, the chicken skewer (incredibly tender!) and the dry-aged steak taste perfect. Simple wooden furniture, no frills, a large Schanigarten: a simple venue to savour good food.
Gelage am Brunnen, Siebenbrunnenplatz 2, 1050 Vienna. Mon-Sun 8:00 to 24:00. Web


The StadtSpionin is an independent, weekly newsletter for women in the Vienna area.
It provides information on events, shops and restaurants, which the editorial staff singles out as recommend worthy.
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Publisher and Editor in Chief:
Sabine Maier, Phorusgasse 7/1, 1040 Wien

Disclaimer: Despite careful editing and research, no liability can be retained for the accuracy of our content and its completeness.

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„The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.“
(Eleanor Roosevelt)