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Die StadtSpionin
m a r c h 23 | 9. - 15.

Tipps der Stadtspionin


"Heya Girls!"
“We have to rethink everything, and we have to do it now!” Yasmeen Lari is an impressive woman who exudes tremendous energy at the MuseumsQuartier press conference despite her age of 80+. In 1964, she was the first woman to open an architectural office in Pakistan, designed internationally celebrated houses, became a star architect. But in 2005, when the worst earthquake in Pakistan's history left millions homeless, her approach to building changed. Since 2005, Lari has redefined architecture: as climate activism – in one of the countries most affected by climate change globally. She designed a self-build programme where people can build flood- and earthquake-resistant houses themselves – from low-cost materials like mud and bamboo. The world's first exhibition on Yasmeen Lari at the Architekturzentrum Wien uses photos, drawings and documents to show her impressive path to “architecture for the future” – without waste, without CO2, at the lowest possible cost. Powerful!
Wishing you a seminal week,
Your CitySpotterGirl
Az W, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna. Mon-Sun 10:00 to 19:00. 9 €. Web
Photo: Archiv Yasmeen Lari
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Sandra Gilles
Sandra Gilles & Menschenanziehen
Now Sandra Gilles fans no longer have to chug all the way to Langenlois to go shopping. For the fashion designer will come to Vienna – at least until the end of June. She and Alexandra Plos from Menschenanziehen temporarily give the Angel of Pleasure boutique a new look. Props for this are Sandra's colourful clothes, accessories and home collection. Alexandra's expertise as a personal stylist provides the best shopping advice. They share the shop shifts, so on Wednesdays and Thursdays Sandra welcomes you, on Fridays and Saturdays Alexandra holds the fort!
Angel of Pleasure, Burggasse 29, 1070 Vienna. Wed-Fri 10:00 to 18:00, Sat 10:00 to 15:00. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Alois Mosbacher
Alois Mosbacher: Palinops
Ropes, balls and cacti meet tents, backpacks or a ladder – Alois Mosbacher's works show the ordinary in unusual constellations. As of today, they form a unique art biotope in Belvedere 21: landscapes and still lifes show recurring elements such as intertwined branches or trees protruding from the picture, and for a moment you think you recognise a story – which will disappear again in the next moment. And in this case that means: mission accomplished, because the exhibition title refers to a sensory illusion. Puzzling, playful, humorous! Today ist the opening.
Belvedere 21, Arsenalstraße 1, 1030 Vienna. Vernissage 9 March 19:00. Free entry. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Pei Wu
Salon Unica
What's for dinner today? Our suggestion: vegan delicacies from Unica Neuspiel! Once a month, the creative educator and culinary artist gathers guests in her “Salon Unica” for a vegan dinner and nice chats. This time the co-host is Katharina Müller-Hora, who spices up the 3-course menu with impulses and inspiration on the topic of happiness. And for those who can't wait any longer: The palate will be delighted with stuffed sweet potatoes, penne with mushroom-walnut ragout and mango cheesecake in a glass. Delicious!
Salon Unica, Goldschlagstraße 183/1/door 5, 1140 Vienna. 9 March 18:00. 79 €. Please register. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Stock Sale at Roee
Attention, this is no ordinary flea market! Today, you can snatch special pieces from designer label Roee’s collection: shoes from fashion shows, jewellery from shoots and super-cool sunglasses! But that's not all – the two owners René Pomberger and Michael Mairhofer have also sorted out past couture collections and so really precious individual pieces that are up to 70% off are waiting for new owners. The designer sale will be held for 2 days in the studio of the Parkkenner label and those who can't make it can also hunt for bargains online this year!
Parkkenner, Zieglergasse 68, 1070 Vienna. 10 + 11 March 11:00 to 18:00. Web 
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Jazztime: Tini Trampler
“I'd like to kiss the couch table, elope with the lampshade” – Tini Trampler is known for her lively chansons against the everyday blues. With a dark, smoky voice, she shows in a mix of pop and reggae, folk and blues, jazz and electronic, how important spontaneity is and why it's best to defy everything strange and questionable. In the “Jazztime” conversation, the sophisticated-playful Viennese chats with Andreas Felber about her way of looking at the world through chanson glasses. And there will also be a little live concert, of course!
Klang Theater, Argentinierstraße 30A, 1040 Vienna. 10 March 19:00. Free entry. Please register. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Wehr dich mit Worten
At the weekend, you have the change of refreshing your feminist super-power again. In her theatre workshop with artist Vrovro Geiger, you can practise standing up for your opinions, formulating needs and boundaries and earning the respect that we ladies deserve, after all. Vrovro's method for this: dramatic play. With theatre of the oppressed, improvisation performance or psycho-dramatic role-playing, perception, trust and solidarity will be trained until all participants feel like flourishing super-girls again!
VHS Penzing, Hütteldorferstraße 112, 1140 Vienna. 10 March 18:00 to 21:00. 98€. Please register. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Christian Steinbrenner
Urban Development of Rothneusiedl
Sometimes visions are needed. This is how – after years of vacancy – a visionary urban farming concept was developed for the former Haschahof, rethinking urban food, sustainability and circular economy. Today, the area can be explored on guided tours while experts answer questions: Basic info on the project, what does it contribute to affordable housing, what makes the Zukunftshof a local provider and much more. Development requests are also welcome and for refreshment in between they got delicious treats from Hut & Stiel, Gugumuck, Blün and 2450 Bier!

Zukunftshof, Rosiwalgasse 41-43, 1100 Vienna. 11.3., guided tours, 11:00 to 17:00. Free admission. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
If you find it too crowded at the spa, you should head for the newly opened Well/One. You won't find any co-relaxers with you in the Finnish sauna, experience shower or whirlpool, as the soul-soothing programme is enjoyed in private suites! Depending on your treat-yourself-desire, you can choose between the Classic, Premium and Exclusive options, and to make sure the outside world doesn't catch up with you, you can also choose whether you prefer to be whisked away to a Balinese retreat, romantic Paris or an oriental fairytale world in terms of sound, scent and light. And now: Dive in and forget the world!

Well/One, Brünnerstraße 73 A, 1210 Vienna. Mon-Sun 9:00 to 1:00. From € 20/hour. Web 
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Theater Leo
Ach, Engelbert!
The L.E.O. shows how to mix up old legends, stories and myths and serve up something charming and funny at the festival “Of Old Myths and Hats”. Today on the programme: Humperdinck's opera “Hänsel and Gretel”. Framed by his own compositions as well as fairy tales by Kurt Weill, Richard Wagner and Leo Blech, the piece is an homage to Engelbert himself, who receives a crispy house filled with delicacies. On the floor a note with the Meistersinger quote “Won't you also try the sausage?” –  handwritten by Cosima Wagner. Wonderfully amusing!

Theater L.E.O., Ungargasse 18, 1030 Vienna. 11 March 19:30. 30 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Bezirksmuseum Wien Landstraße
Day of Viennese District Museums
Well, CitySpotterGirl has a soft spot for the slightly dusty exhibition arrangements and honourable directors of Vienna's district museums ;-) For sometimes there are real treasures and a lot of knowledge buried there! Today all district museums are open from 10:00 to 16:00 and show special exhibitions with the motto “Education in Vienna”. In each of them there will be lectures and guided tours, such as the picture exhibition with 160 historical photographs and postcards on the history of the Viennese school system or a talk in Mariahilf on the educational systems.
Vienna District Museums. Various locations throughout Vienna. 12 March 10:00 to 16:00. Free of charge. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Rae Galatas
Orchid Exhibition
Beautiful! Numerous exotic flower-miracles are currently on display in the convent garden and the orangery of Klosterneuburg Abbey. For a fortnight, collectors and breeders from different countries show their most magnificent orchids there. Besides well-known species like Phalaenopsis or Cattleya, enthusiasts also find rare varieties. If you want, you can also buy the queen of flowers, and there are supplies and decorative accessories as well as advice from professionals. And the convent garden, the “secret garden” next to the baroque imperial wing, is worth a visit in itself!
Klosterneuburg Abbey, Stiftsplatz 1, Klosterneuburg. Until 19 March daily 9:00 to 18:00. 11 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Oscar Night at the cinema
Live on the Red Carpet, from the comfort of your cinema seat: Night owls can follow the glitz & glamour parade of Oscar night in the cinema again today. To get in the mood for the live action, the Gartenbaukino will be showing all the Oscar contenders, starting at noon with “Everything Everywhere All At Once”. “Tar” is also on the programme. The legendary Red Carpet Show starts at around 0:30 a.m., after which the awards will be broadcast live from Los Angeles. Admission to the nightly broadcast is free, and there's also free coffee and breakfast for everyone.
Gartenbaukino, Parkring 12, 1010 Vienna. 12 March from 12:00. Films with entry, ceremony with free entry. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Maria Haas
Matriarchy is not the inverse of patriarchy. Some cultures seem to have recognised this much better than in this country. In Costa Rica, Mexico or India, for example, there are societies where women are the head of the family – and that is so wonderful for the men. Violence and pomposity are frowned upon by both sexes; the common good is their key to happiness. Maria Haas' great desire is to experience matriarchal ways of life on the spot and to make them more visible with her photo reportages. The portraits of impressive matriarchs can now be admired in the Frauenhetz.
Frauenhetz, Untere Weißgerberstraße 41, 1030 Vienna. Mon, Wed, Thu 9:00 to 13:00, Fri 9:00 to 12:00. Free entry. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Muhassad Al Ani
Toxische Pommes
A lawyer with a great fondness for the ugly side of life. This is Irina aka “Toxische Pommes”, who started licking the wounds of her freshly ended toxic relationship on TikTok at the beginning of the pandemic. She now regularly creates 15-second satirical videos, unmasking Austrian society where it incorporates racism, sexism and classism into her everyday life. With her stage programme “Ketchup, Mayo und Ajvar” she ventures her first steps into the world of cabaret and hopes that she can be funny for longer than 15 seconds. We are curious!

Stadtsaal, Mariahilferstraße 81, 1060 Vienna. 13 March 19:30. From 16.50 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Teresa of Avila
Female creativity is more in demand than ever. The important mystic and founder of the Carmelite Order, Teresa of Avila, already had a lot of experience with this in the 16th century. She was the first to stand up for the rights of women in the Church. With her visionary motto “transformation is possible throughout life”, she taught them the importance of getting to know themselves, leading a self-determined life and living spirituality in everyday life. Today, psychoanalyst Ute-Karin Höllrigl and dream coach Thomas Lindenthal talk about Avila's teachings in a salon conversation.
Aktionsradius Wien, Gaußplatz 11, 1200 Vienna. 14 March 19:00. Voluntary donation. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
International Puppet Festival
Puppets and figures set the tone at the Schubert Theater, and this is celebrated again this year with the International Puppet Festival. The festival includes the celebrated play “The Quacksalver” from Denmark, which celebrates its Austrian premiere on this occasion, and special short plays, each of which is made for just one audience member. Things get ironic-feminist with “Tilda Eulenspiel” and spacey with the virtual reality variety show “VR-Circus-Varieté”. Today's opener is Christoph Bochdansky's “The Forest We Dream Of” – in this spirit: Let the puppets dance!
Schubert Theater, Währingerstraße 46, 1090 Vienna. 14-19 March. From 22 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Wiesen, Kräuter, Wissen
DIY: Oxymel
You can try your hand at being a modern herb witch today at Angela Schrottmayer's workshop. On the programme: the professional serving of Oxymel. Sour honey has been considered a brilliant food and medicine for 2,500 years. As a liquid health booster, it combines the powers of herbs, honey and vinegar – perfect for boosting the immune system, quick recovery and digestion. To ensure that the sour little droplet also tastes delicious, three preparation methods will be demonstrated today in addition to its use as a remedy – materials & packaging will be provided on-site!

Ideenlandebahn, Aegidigasse 3, 1060 Vienna. 15 March 18:00 to 20:30. 64 €. Please register. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 RX Austria & Germany
Living & Interior 2023
Decoration queens and interior design fairies, take note: Austria's largest fair for dream homes is once again bursting at the seams with trends. Starting today, 450 exhibitors will be presenting stylish items ranging from beds to kitchens, living rooms to art and gardens with the motto “5 Tage Wohnsinn”. The focus this year is on regionalism and sustainability, so a special show will demonstrate how design and art merge to create functional furniture, and at “Upcycling Furniture” completely new (and stylish!) furniture will be created from old objects. You might need a new flat afterwards

Messe Wien, Messeplatz 1, 1021 Vienna. 15-19 March.  From 12 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Vienna's English Theatre
Murder by Misadventure
If you want to take your morbid curiosity on a high voltage tour, the English Theatre is the place to be today. This is where Edward Taylor's gripping thriller shudders across the stage: Harold Kent and Paul Riggs have been a successful crime writing team for years and have just planned their next “perfect murder”. Afterwards, Harold wants to separate from Paul, an alcoholic who has become unpredictable. But Paul knows about Harold's previous crime and starts blackmailing him, whereupon Harold sees a meticulously planned murder as an attractive way out... Suspense times one hundred!

Vienna's English Theatre, Josefsgasse 12, 1080 Vienna. 15 March 19:30. From 25 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Shop of the Week 
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Justine Lepoix
Grätzl Møbler
As a child, Natascha Veen wanted to become a full-time flea market flaneur. And well – it worked! For her showroom, the collector-fanatic spends about 5 hours a day looking for special items to prettify her own four walls. You can find all kinds of Mid-Century treasures, Space Age rarities and Boho beauties in the small room spruced up with round arches ­– especially large pieces of furniture, but also lamps and decorative pieces. By the way, at Natascha's you can not only buy, but also borrow – and to enter you have to ring the bell just like in a real flat :-)

Grätzl Møbler, Hermanngasse 10, 1070 Vienna. Thu 17:00 to 20:00, Sat 10:00 to 14:00. Web
Restaurant of the Week 
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Sonderagentur Fabian Orner
The furnishings with lots of wood and the high windows make it look like an elegant restaurant, while the cuisine is more reminiscent of an inn. “Austria” is the motto in this spacious, airy restaurant, and so the menu includes Fleischlaiberl (very good!) as well as veal cream goulash and cauliflower gröstl. The ingredients also come from Austria, even the rice for the Blunzen risotto comes from local fields, i.e. “Österreis”. The fried chicken is soaked in buttermilk before being breaded, and the bread is home-baked. Local and traditional cuisine can taste really good, too ;-)

Servus, Hohenstaufengasse 9, 1010 Vienna. Mon-Sun 11:00 to 22:00. Web


The StadtSpionin is an independent, weekly newsletter for women in the Vienna area.
It provides information on events, shops and restaurants, which the editorial staff singles out as recommend worthy.
Entries for payment are not possible. However, there is the possibility of placing an advertisement. The StadtSpionin appears every Thursday and will be shipped for free.

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Publisher and Editor in Chief:
Sabine Maier, Phorusgasse 7/1, 1040 Wien

Disclaimer: Despite careful editing and research, no liability can be retained for the accuracy of our content and its completeness.

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„The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.“
(Eleanor Roosevelt)