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Die StadtSpionin
o c t o b e r 23 | 19. - 25.

Tipps der Stadtspionin


"Heya Girls!"
It is a beautiful area, the countryside around Murnau on the Bavarian Staffelsee. The sky (especially when there is foehn) is even bluer than usual, the meadows even more colourful than you are used to. Somehow it's no wonder that here – in a small artists' colony – one of the most important types of modern art blossomed. Expressionism reached its peak around the painters of the “Blaue Reiter” (blue rider). And right in the middle of it all: the artist Gabriele Münter. However – during her lifetime and for a long time afterwards, she was only “the woman at Wassily Kandinsky's side”! It is only in recent years that Münter has finally been regarded as a fixed star in international modern art. Some of her portraits have become veritable icons of German Expressionism. From Friday, the Leopold Museum will be the first museum in Austria to honour her work with a huge retrospective. 140 paintings, prints and photos show the life of this extraordinary woman, who not only had a decisive influence on modern art, but also saved a large part of the Expressionist paintings of her colleagues from the Nazis. A must-see!
Wishing you wildly colourful week,
Your CitySpotterGirl
Leopold Museum, MQ, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna. 20.10.-18.2.. Wed-Mon 10:00 to 18:00. 15 €. Web
Cover: Kunstmuseum Ravensburg, © Bildrecht, Vienna 2022
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Viennale, Mistérios de Lisboa
Viennale 2023
Tough times for cineastes! The Viennale all but forces film freaks to spend day and night in the cinema. With great films from insider tips to local gems and cool exhibitions, parties and concerts over 12 days, you are absolutely spoilt for choice. Among them are incredibly brilliant feature films, documentaries and crossover films with 20 local productions – and many up-and-coming talents from Asia this year. It starts today with the Hungarian film “Magyarazat Mindenre” by Gabor Reisz, in which a failed Matura exam leads to a hunt for a supposedly leftist teacher.
Viennale, various cinemas and dates in Vienna. 19-31 October. Programme online
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tutankhamun – Immersive Experience
For more than 100 years, the myths surrounding Pharaoh Tutankhamun have fascinated people all over the world. From today, a new digital multimedia highlight in the Marx Halle will transport visitors to the legendary ancient Egypt and its secrets. Almost hand in hand with the child king Tutankhamun – the icon of ancient Egypt – visitors are immersed in a world full of godlike rulers, architectural wonders of the world, burial chambers full of gold and a mysterious cult of the dead. Especially cool: the room with the Virtual Reality glasses!
Marx Halle, Karl-Farkas-Gasse 19, 1030 Vienna. From 19 October Mon-Sun from 10:00. From 25 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Berling Bucher
How to Fashion: Berling Bucher
How to fashion? The duo from Berling Bucher knows only too well! The Austrian-Polish label currently has raked in one of the coveted pop-ups at the AFA Space and will be presenting its avant-garde handbag creations made of fine calfskin for three days. The items are exclusively manufactured in family-run companies and for absolute production transparency, each one is even equipped with a micro-chip that contains information on the time and place of production. Today is the opening with a short film presentation on the craft of the brand. Cool!
AFA Space, Lindengasse 27, 1070 Vienna. 19 October 13:00 to 22:00. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 i'm like you
A must go for individualists: The blickfang design fair for furniture, fashion and jewellery turns 20 this year and will transform the MAK into a temporary design department store beyond ready-made items for three days. 150 designers from nine nations present creations that you didn't know you needed very much ;-) From unusual concrete jewellery developed by Studio 4L to stylish “Plantyrings” plant wall holders to cleverly cut lingerie in 60 sizes for every shape by thoughts of september, there's the right content for every shopping bag!
MAK, Weiskirchnerstraße 3, 1010 Vienna. 20 to 22 October. 13 € Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Martin Spengler 
Yeah, that's right, we're canvassing the “Wien im Rosenstolz” festival, but it's just too good! Today's treat: soulful singer-songwriterism without borders between blues, jazz, pop, waltz and bossa nova in the sound of Vienna. Singer Martin Spengler heats up the stage with his “Foischn WienerInnen” true to the motto “Ois wiad guad!” (all will be well) – sometimes vulnerable, mostly grooving, celebrating life and love with hooray, at times comedic, poncy, but never coarse and always imbued with a linguistic brilliance, fineness of detail. It starts at 19:30!
Theater am Spittelberg, Spittelberggasse 10, 1070 Vienna. 20 October 19:30. 26 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Daniel Mikkelsen
GlutenFreeX Store
Now this here is not a fancy shop for once, but for some it is certainly a very welcome one! On Nußdorferstraße, wheat-free pastries have recently been taken to a new level. Instead of wheat and excessive additives, the GlutenFreeX store offers high-quality, fresh and gluten-free bakery products. This means delicacies such as pumpkin seed and potato bread, juicy cinnamon buns and Golatschen, as well as especially tasty banana bread and Buchteln. None of these are warmed up, but everything is freshly prepared by hand with yeast, oats, millet or psyllium. Yummy!
GlutenFreeX Store, Nußdorferstraße 43, 1090 Vienna. Mon-Sat 8:30 to 18:30. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Those who want to prettify their walls for the weekend may find their luck today with the underground artists of the “Gruft”. The artists' group is made up of people with a turbulent history and difficult fates. The project “Underground Artists – Painting and Writing in the Gruft” is intended to help increase their creativity and self-confidence and give them new impetus. So whoever buys one of their works of art not only makes themselves happy, but also makes a donation to the residents at the same time. Win-win!

Cloister of the parish Rossau, Servitengasse 9, 1090 Vienna. 21 October 10:00 to 12:00. Free entry. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 ALBA Communications
Cheesecake Tasting
Attention, CitySpotterGirl is throwing some calories into your mail inbox ;-) Namely: mint chocolate cheesecake, pumpkin seed vanilla cheesecake, orange cinnamon cheesecake or Zipfer Urtyp natural hop cheesecake. Influencer Barbara Katzenberger will join in with an autumnal poppy seed cheesecake. Doesn’t that sound seductive? Today, Hotel Marriot invites you to taste your way through a cheesecake selection in its garden café (first come, first served!). The tasting is free, the cake with the best feedback will make it onto the menu.
Vienna Marriott Hotel, Parkring 12a, 1010 Vienna. 21 October from 12:00. Free of charge. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Julia Stix
Musicbanda Franui
The Franui Musicbanda turned 30 this year and this is celebrated all year long! Together with musical companions such as the satirical duo maschek and the acting greats Sven-Eric Bechtolf and Regina Fritschund, they are currently inviting us to a “serenade of things”. The framework of the birthday party is the songbook of the 19th century with songs by Schubert, Schumann, Brahms and Mahler, presented with Franui's unique sound battery. String instruments familiar from folk music, plus violin and double bass, accordion and many brass and woodwind instruments. Funny!
Wiener Konzerthaus, Lothringerstraße 20, 1030 Vienna. 21 October 19:30. From 26 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Rita Newman
Polly Adler
Lifestyle in decline, bank account a gaping void, men exhausted and Jupiter in a coma for far too long: there's certainly no shortage of nervous ordeals these days. Then there are the super-woke offspring, an advanced allergy to influencers and eso-hysterical girlfriends who write letters to the universe. The relentlessly self-ironic Polly Adler troupe immerses us in a universe where no consideration is given to minorities and despair is simply covered by a sequin dress. Up-to-date, absolutely hilarious, the premiere is today!

Rabenhof Theater, Rabengasse 3, 1030 Vienna. 22 October 11:00. 30 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Carina Schubert
Women who paint
When it gets grey and nasty outside, let's simply swap parks and lakes for fine indoor activities! Our suggestion for today: the workshop “Women who paint” by gallery owner Carina Schubert. In a nice group of ladies, you can give free rein to your creativity on 70 x 100 cm canvases and receive instructions from Carina on how to turn the painting experience into a meditative flow. By the way, everyone interested in painting is welcome, even if they think they can't paint ;-) Paint, painting clothes and snacks are provided – bound to be fun!

Breitenfurter Straße 249, 1230 Vienna. 22 October 10:00 to 14:00. 390 € Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Herbert Bauer
Book Sunday
Reading is like an adventure in your mind. Bookworms can now get literary input at the unique book market of Herbert Bauer, who has been collecting antiquarian treasures for over 20 years (!) and organises a fine market every now and then. There, exhibitors and micro-entrepreneurs offer their bibliophile rarities, historical books and paper antiques for sale. From paperbacks to first editions – a real treasure trove! Admission is free, and because browsing always makes you hungry, bookworms will find something to nibble on at a small buffet.
Campus Collegialität, Heigerleinstraße 29, 1160 Vienna. 22 October 10:00 to 16:00. Free admission. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Lisa Edi
Natures of Conflict Temporary Shop 
Well, now it's official: After a long fight against summer, autumn has prevailed in the end. So now it's beginning to dawn on you that the only motivation to venture out into the cold is a new autumn outfit! And this you can still shop in style at the new Natures of Conflict pop-up store until Saturday. There, you can snuggle up in pieces from the latest collection – cool chequered trench coats and oversize denim suits – get your hands on unique pieces that are only available at the pop-up and hunt for bargains in a selected sale section. Let's go!

Eiskarussell im Majolikahaus, Linke Wienzeile 40, 1060 Vienna. Until 28 October. Mon-Fri 12:00 to 19:00, Sat 10:00 to 18:00. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Fab Fox
Magic stunt by Fab Fox
Abracadabra and hocus-pocus – today it's magic time at Schönbrunn Palace! Inspired by the greatest escape artist of all time, Harry Houdini, the Lower Austrian magician Fab Fox will free himself in just 60 seconds from a floating giant cube 30m above the ground in the palace courtyard today. Not thrilling enough yet? No problem: In the meantime, the clock is ticking, because after one minute the cube will seemingly explode before the eyes of the spectators! Before the stunt, the young magician performs other exciting illusions and walk through steel, for example. 

Schloss Schönbrunn, Ehrenhof, Schönbrunner Schloßstraße 47, 1130 Vienna. 23 October 18:30. From 50.90€. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Marianne Reich
 A feast for noses, ears and eyes today at the ausstellungsraum gallery! There, four creative people have joined forces to demonstrate their passion for special materials and connection to nature – the result: finest porcelain roses by hoylimited, fragrance essences by Andrea Sperker, silk coats and accessories by Marianne Reich as well as handmade jewellery from the goldsmith's shop of Jessica Wehdorn. The exhibition is rounded off by a thematically appropriate reading by Katharina Rieder – definitely worth seeing, hearing and smelling!
ausstellungsraum, Gumpendorferstraße 23, 1060 Vienna. 24-29.10. 12:00 to 19:00, Sun until 16:00. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Ana Carla Maza
Ana Carla Maza
With the cold-shock of the last few days, we are in desperate need of warming Latino vibes! So wrap up warm and head to Porgy & Bess – where the fiery sounds of son, samba and bossa nova, complemented by tango, jazz and chanson, will have you throwing off your winter rags in a flash. The musical ear candy is accompanied by beautiful vocals by Cuban cellist Ana Carla Maza, who has been on stage since the age of 10. Today she presents her latest album “Bahia” – an ode to her childhood memories. Tip: Wear comfy shoes because no one will stay seated here!
Porgy & Bess, Riemergasse 11, 1010 Vienna. 24 October 20:30. 22 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Klocker Walter
Stress management through mindfulness
Leaving everyday stress at the door and living consciously in the here and now – not that easy. According to experts, though, including Jon Kabat-Zinn of the University of Massachusetts, mindfulness has been proven to reduce stress symptoms and consequences and improve quality of life. So if you want to glide super-zenly into the Christmas season, you can take part in the 8-week “Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction” course at Shambhala starting today and learn things like mindfulness meditation, yoga movements and self-reflection

Shambhala, Josefstädterstraße 5, 1080 Vienna. 24.10.-19.12. Tue 19:00 to 22:00. 350€. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Benoît Piéron
Benoit Pieron: Monstera deliciosa
Uncertainty, never-ending waiting, intimacy with strangers – waiting rooms in doctors' waiting rooms and hospitals have a rather unpleasant aftertaste. Unfortunately, French artist Benoit Pieron knows these places all too well due to lifelong experiences with illness and has made them the focus of his current exhibition. But instead of neon lights and dog-eared magazines, you encounter pink snow globes, chromatic cloudy skies and a pastel-coloured bat, which magically transform the unpopular place of emptiness into a place of poetic abundance. Original!

mumok, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna. Vernissage 25 October 19:00. Free admission. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Big Brother Awards
Big Brother Awards
Internet espionage, data leaks and mobile phone tapping – it's that time again, the Oscars for data kraken are being awarded! This year’s focus: the flooding of our systems with artificial intelligence. Today, the increasingly complex methods of the IT industry and their effects on our society are observed and discussed. For one thing is already certain: What appears intelligent to us does not actually have to be intelligent. And since we need something nice in the midst of so many shockers, the awards are accompanied by the blues singer Katie Kern with fine food and drink!

Kulisse, Rosensteingasse 39, 1170 Vienna. 25 October from 18:00. 10.50 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Jaz in the City
Boogie Night at Rhythms 
We've known for a long time that our favourite city has a pretty cool rhythm. But now the new hotspot “Rhythms” shows how to make it really unforgettable! From Tuesday to Sunday, you can shake your hips at the music and lifestyle hotel “Jaz in the City”, and in the monthly electro club, changing DJs provide vibrating beats. And because dancing off makes you hungry, chef Christopher Uxa provides the necessary refreshment with truffle fries, Philly cheese sandwiches or tarte flambée. Today, by the way, there's an 80s party with soul, reggae & more – let's get boogie!

Jaz in the City, Windmühlgasse 28, 1060 Vienna. Tue-Sat 18:00 to 23:00, Sun at brunch times. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
​Shop of the Week 
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Justine Lepoix
du Concept Store
There are shops that give you “I'll be staying here for a long time-vibes” right upon entering. Katrin Gravogl's is one of them. The friendly, fashion-loving make-up artist brings together everything she loves and wants to share with others in her cozy-purist concept store: hip fashion from German and Scandinavian brands, natural cosmetics and, in the back, a cosmetics niche where Katrin conjures up the right make-up for her customers' outfits using Dr. Hauschka products. And since the finer things in life also require some fine vino, a mini-bar with natural wines will soon follow – great!

du Concept Store, Margarethenstraße 39, 1040 Vienna. Wed-Fri 10:00 to 19:00, Sat 11:00 to 17:00. Web
​Restaurant of the Week 
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Justine Lepoix
The name alone puts you in a cosy state of mind, as your thoughts quickly turn to breakfast in bed... Well, you do have to leave your bed to come here, but it is definitely cosy at Zimmerservice (“room service”). And the breakfast is good for dreaming (on)! Crispy, fluffy, buttery croissants make out with homemade nougat cream, poached olive oil eggs sit atop mashed potatoes and pear-almond, carrot-walnut cake and orange-chocolate tartelettes flirt with you from the cute display case. Now you’ll just have to decide: do you prefer to snack in the cozy dining room or in the sunny garden? 

Zimmerservice, Strozzigasse 25, 1080 Vienna. Tue-Fri 9:00 to 22:00, Sat until 17:00, Sun until 15:00. Web


The StadtSpionin is an independent, weekly newsletter for women in the Vienna area.
It provides information on events, shops and restaurants, which the editorial staff singles out as recommend worthy.
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„The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.“
(Eleanor Roosevelt)