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Die StadtSpionin
j u n e 23 | 22. - 28.

Tipps der Stadtspionin


"Heya Girls!"
One of the reasons I am a self-confessed fan of Slovenia is Joze Plecnik. He studied architecture with Otto Wagner, designed in Vienna and Prague and then returned to his home country. The capital Ljubljana in particular still bears his mark today. He renovated the castle, built a bridge in 1931 on which he grew trees and created the beautiful market in the centre of Ljubljana. In the huge Slovenian National and University Library (photo), designed by him, you climb up black marble steps from darkness into light – and knowledge. I can only warmly recommend a trip to Slovenia to everyone. If you don't have time, you can see Plecnik's buildings in Slovenia from 27 June in a magnificent architecture exhibition in the Ringturm. And not only his main works, but many hidden, unknown works. A revelation!

Wishing you a nicely built week,
Your CitySpotterGirl

Ausstellungszentrum im Ringturm, Schottenring 30, 1010 Vienna. 27 June-15 September Mon to Fri 9:00 to 18:00. Free entry. Web

P.S. We are looking for an ad salesperson! Attractive commission, free time management, working from home possible. Web
Photo: Damjan Prelovsek
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Vintagerie Furniture Flea Market
Nice legs, that lady! We don't want the 1960s image of women back, but the furnishing style of that time is a keeper. The mid-century treasure trove Vintagerie makes it possible: cocktail chairs and sofas in strong colours, colourfully patterned lampshades, mirrors with frames from old factory windows, chic tea sets, chests of drawers – vintage lovers are in seventh heaven here. Sounds pretty but too expensive? From today, the design paradise turns its shop and warehouse upside down and transforms Nelkengasse into a vintage furniture flea market – with discounted beauties up to 50% off!

Vintagerie, Nelkengasse 4, 1060 Vienna. 22-24 June Thu, Fri 12:00 to 19:00, Sat 11:00 until 18:00. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Valie Export, Bildrecht, Wien 2023, Peter Hassmann
Valie Export Retrospective
Sometimes she walks with a man on a leash, other times she has her breasts grabbed through a cardboard box with holes in it: always at the interface of film, video and body art, Valie Export showed early on how negatively patriarchal structures affect the female body. Starting today, the current exhibition at the Albertina shows a retrospective ranging from Export's early feminist actions to her polarising performances and her body configurations. Among them are works that have never been shown before. Provocative, honest – today is the vernissage!

Albertina, Albertinaplatz 1, 1010 Vienna. 22 June 18:30. Free entry. Please register. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Bir­git Machtinger

Die Duetten
They dedicate their hymns to all the scaredy-cats, their favourite foods, love, life, all the kind people and those who still want to become so thanks to their “duet method”. What is the latter? Isabel and Michaela's method for a great life. And they explain how it works with their dialect chansons at the “Wir sind Wien Festival”. Somewhere between new Wienerlied and hipster sound, they advise the audience in a charmingly crude way to “not shit yourself”. And while listening to the finest ear candy, you can train your abdominal muscles with laughter at the same time!

Hannah-Arendt-Platz, 1220 Vienna. 22 June 18:00. Free entry. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Florent Souly
Festival of Tranquillity
Summertime is festival time! But while most people think of techno beats, beer fountains and the like, there are also festivals that celebrate just the opposite. The Festival of Tranquillity is one of them. For this, artist Florent Souly exhibits his tree observation system to be tested out in the Alois Drasche Park: Recliners have been placed under a tree in a circle, inviting visitors to lie down and dream themselves into the treetop. Plus, yoga sessions, planter painting and tree planting will take place under the largest tree in the park. Three days of events under a canopy of leaves. How beautiful!

Alois Drasche Park, 1040 Vienna. 22 June-24 June. Free admission. Programme online
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Chantal Anderson
Kevin Morby
The curly head from Kansas City wrote his songs in the Peabody Hotel in Memphis. He spent days daydreaming, and in the evenings he documented his experiences with only a guitar and a microphone. The result of dreamy melodies and a good dose of dirt sounds “as if you have taken a tab of something psychedelic and now, suddenly, you've replaced your eyeglasses with kaleidoscopes”. And it's exactly this rough-charming indie folk from their latest album “More Photographs (A Continuum)” that you'll be hearing tonight, so head to Theater Akzent!

Theatre Akzent, Theresianumgasse 18, 1040 Vienna. 23 June 20:00. 36 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
lila Fashion Show
Is it Fashion Week again? A mini version of it, so to speak! Because today Austro-designer Lisi Lang heats up the MQ fashion-wise today: With 35 models and 50 brand-new creations, she is bringing new life into the summer season with volume, candy colours and tulle. But that's not all: a lila pop-up shop, a photo exhibition, performance outfits for artist Anne Glassner, drinks, music and a candy store are also on the agenda. In addition, Nolz&Lang are launching their ceramic eye candy and as a gift there's a lila goodie bag filled to the brim – we're on our way!

Kunsthalle Wien, MQ, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna. 23 June 17:00. Free entry. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
10 Years of Biostoffe
Isn't there a little tailor slumbering in all of us, waiting to be awakened? When, if not now: On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Biostoffe, environmentally, animal and human friendly produced fabrics are up for grabs at bargain prices! From wild florals to classically chequered to elegant plain colours – no sewing dream remains unfulfilled. Of course, a fine birthday jamboree also includes novelties, such as the presentation of the “Veritas Powerstitch”. And with snacks, drinks and goodies, the organic paradise of fabrics celebrates the start of the new decade in style!

Biostoffe, Huttengasse 57-59, 1160 Vienna. 24 June 9:30 to 17:00. Free admission. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Wild Fermentation of Vegetables
Fermentation is the hottest shit on the food sky right now, and it's also delicious and a hit with the digestive system. That's why today's Saturday will make intestinal bacteria as happy as taste buds, because you will be initiated into the secrets of lacto-fermentation! Under Ingrid Palmetshofer's guidance, lemon-mint herb and kimchi will be prepared today and will come home to ferment. Together with the necessary equipment and sound knowledge, so you'll dare to make delicacies such as curry herb, orange-cinnamon-fennel or coleslaw by yourself in the future!

Humanisierte Arbeitsstätte/Mentorix, Lange Gasse 30, 1080 Vienna. 24 June 11:00 to 16:00. 139 €. Please register. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Nadine Poncioni
Vienna Roller Derby
Last week's Pride Parade was colourful and glittery, and today's Vienna Roller Girls will seamlessly continue the rainbow theme! With the motto “Vienna Calling”, 5 teams from 4 countries will meet in 6 exciting matches, and the halftime shows are just as brilliant with drag shows, drag wrestling, stand-up comedy and the incomparable Schmusechor. Another urgent reason to drop by: the intermission performance of the one-of-a-kind (male) Fearleaders! Kinda obvious why this sport has long been a big hit in America!

Stadthalle Wien, Roland-Rainer-Platz 1, 1150 Vienna. 24 June+25 June. From 15 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Bezierksmuseum Neubau
War and Resistance in Neubau
If you would like to do something for your historical background despite lazing around on a Sunday afternoon, you can let yourself be transported back to the time of the Second World War on a walk through the seventh district today. Starting from the Neubau district museum, you march to places of courageous resistance, followers, persecution, forced labour and the Righteous Among the Nations. Monika Grußbaum, director of the Neubau district museum, tells of Neubauer people who are unjustly unknown and of those who were duly honoured. Fascinating!

Meeting point: Bezirksmuseum Neubau, Stiftgasse 8, 1070 Vienna. 25 June 15:00. 10 €. Please register. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Julia Stipsits
Portrait Photography
And click! That’s a wrap. But is it truly good? You can learn how to boost your self-confidence as a photographer in today's workshop by Julia Stipsits. In addition to tips on lighting conditions, situations and poses, there is a special focus on the interaction between people and images. What does photography mean to you? How do you meet people in front of and behind the camera? What story do they tell and what do you want to say with your pictures? All this is discussed and tried out. No previous knowledge is necessary, but a camera and a snack for the break!

Josefsgasse 9, 1080 Vienna. 25 June 10:00 to 15:00. 180 €. Please register. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Atelier Party at Mindquarters
Michaela and Walter have perfected the art of making a virtue out of necessity: To finance their Parisian lifestyle in the 70s, the couple tried their hand at selling self-made plaster masks on the street. It was a success, because business boomed back in Vienna, too. Now in a pretty studio, where they also sell other ceramic, porcelain and stone treasures, they invite visitors to a nice party today. In addition to the lush plants in the courtyard, there are many new works of art, a flea market from old stock and culinary delights from pots and bowls. Very nice!

Mindquarters, Lerchenfelderstrasse. 78-80, 1. Hof, 1080 Vienna. 24+25 June 14:00 to 19:00. Free entry. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
eigensinnig Summer Sale
Monday madness has taken hold of us again – it's high time for a little soul-soothing! That's what we've currently got at eigensinnig, because while the temperatures are rising, the prices are plummeting in the Nirvana of Blackness. Whether it's a light shirt dress, an extravagant blouse or airy harem pants, selected summer eigensinnig treats are now up to 50 percent off! And the walk to the picturesque Sankt-Ulrichs-Platz in the store alone is enough to put you in a good mood. So get your wallets ready, steady, start shopping!

eigensinnig, St-Ulrichs-Platz 4, 1070 Vienna. Mon-Sat 11:00 to 18:00. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Bernadette Rosa Müller
SOS Mitmensch Charity Auction
Going once, going twice, going three times – helped! Top art is currently on offer at the Dorotheum charity auction in aid of the human rights work of SOS Mitmensch. The bidding happens online, but the works of art can be viewed live today and tomorrow. The artists have already donated generously: over 100 drawings, prints, paintings and sculptures have been collected. Among them are drawings by Paul Flora, works by Keith Haring and the iconic “Balloon Dog” by Jeff Koons. Auctions are usually around 10 percent of the call price – only until Thursday!

Viewing: Aula der Wissenschaften, Wollzeile 27a, 1010 Vienna. 27 June 9:00 to 20:00, 28 June until 19:00. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Kunsthaus Wien
Close/d Summer Party & Opening
Go green! The Kunsthaus Wien is jumping on the green wave and uses the hot months to make itself environmentally fit. The Hundertwasser House remains “closed” but still “close”! For during the renovation phase, artists are active in the neighbourhood with performances, video installations, Grätzl walks and more. Today is the opening and summer party. In addition to a free bike check, “Kids N Cats” get everyone dancing, Stephanie Winter and Salon Hybrid take you to the Hundertwasser Promenade – and the colourful programme continues until the end of October!

Community Center Trösch III, Krieglergasse 8, 1030 Vienna. 27 June from 17:00. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Glatz Concerts
The New Divas
Outstanding vocal talents in cocktail robes, feather boas and diamond necklaces make the stage of the Vienna Konzerthaus sparkle today. “The New Divas” are a five-strong ensemble of impressive female singers. Their talent: whether opera or Broadway, jazz or pop – they master everything and sing everything. Tonight, for example, timeless classics such as Quando m'en vo from Puccini's La Bohème, My Fair Lady or West Side Story, always accompanied by the symphony orchestra of the Vienna Opera Ball Orchestra. An enchanted wow on our part will hardly be missing...

Wiener Konzerthaus, Lothringerstraße 20, 1030 Vienna. 28 June 19:30. From €23. Web 
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Nicole Brandstätter
Michelbeuern: College Fashion Show
Of the end of the world and the feeling of being newly in love, between construction sites and genderfluidity, between coincidences and timeless treasures – that's what the collections of this year's graduating class of the fashion college Michelbeuern (where fashion has been taught for over 100 years) tell of. The young fashion talents have worked diligently for four semesters and want to show off their skills at today's fashion show. A total of 17 students will present their work and take their first steps into the public eye with their fashion designs.

West - Alte WU, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Vienna. 28 June 17:30 + 20:30. 21 €. Web
Shop of the Week 
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 bellaflora/APA Fotoservice - Peter Hautzinger
Salon Verde
Let there be green! After bellaflora already made urban gardeners cheer with its Salon Verde in the 2nd district, the brand now also spoils them in Kettenbrückengasse. On 3 floors, the green oasis contains exotic evergreens, fertilisers, trendy home accessories and small pieces of furniture. But plant lovers will also thrive thanks to culinary delicacies and high-quality natural cosmetics. With metro tiles, designery shelves and packed into the historic building by architects Hubert and Frank Gessner, the store itself is also totally wow. The perfect green hideaway in the middle of the urban jungle!

Salon Verde, Kettenbrückengasse 20, 1040 Vienna. Mon-Fri 10:00 to 19:00, Sat 10:00 to 18:00. Web
Restaurant of the Week 
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Patisserie Top02
You never stop learning. I am now aware of what chouquettes and entremet are – at Patisserie Top02 they are something similar to eclairs. And all three are the speciality of the new patisserie near the university. The incredibly elaborate sweets, freshly produced every day, look like works of art and taste to die for. Whether they are filled with strawberries and white chocolate or come as a lime-basil surprise, the traditional art of eclairs has been radically brought into the present here. The ambience is also modern: You dine at the gallery, elegantly decorated in dark blue and white.

Patisserie Top02, Universitätsstraße 2, 1090 Vienna. Tue-Sat 8:00 to 19:00. Web



The StadtSpionin is an independent, weekly newsletter for women in the Vienna area.
It provides information on events, shops and restaurants, which the editorial staff singles out as recommend worthy.
Entries for payment are not possible. However, there is the possibility of placing an advertisement. The StadtSpionin appears every Thursday and will be shipped for free.

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Publisher and Editor in Chief:
Sabine Maier, Phorusgasse 7/1, 1040 Wien

Disclaimer: Despite careful editing and research, no liability can be retained for the accuracy of our content and its completeness.

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„The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.“
(Eleanor Roosevelt)