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Die StadtSpionin
a p r i l 23 | 13. - 19.

Tipps der Stadtspionin


"Heya Girls!"
After a sunny, warm week in spring-coloured Paris, “viennagreycold” is quite depressing. But the flowery season is not far away here either, of course. Proof: the much-loved Rarity Fair in the Botanical Garden is coming up! And I will once again spend way too much money ;-) Among the many plant and garden markets in spring, the Rarity Fair is and remains simply the best tip for greenery lovers and balcony flower whisperers. For three days, you can buy plants away from the mass production at acceptably low prices: earth orchids, flower bulbs, peonies, scented geraniums, rare seeds and organic vegetable plants (also from Arche Noah). As well as – that’s where CitySpotterGirl will probably strike once again! – a huge selection of clematis. Even edible mushrooms that you can grow yourself are on offer. And it's just so nice to simply stroll through!
Wishing you a blooming week,
Your CitySpotterGirl
Botanischer Garten, Mechelgasse 2, 1030 Vienna. 14-16 April 9:30 to 18:00. 6.50 €. Web
Photo: tavga unsplash
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Oh, mon dieu! No sooner has CitySpotterGirl returned from Paris than there is fashion alarm at Bauernmarkt, because the French trend label Sézane has opened its first Austrian pop-up! On 250 square metres, you can try on prêt-à-porter en masse and breathe in Parisian chic. In addition to clothes, shoes and jewellery are also up for grabs, and the leather and bast bags that adorn an entire wall will really make your wallet squeal. The interior looks like a chic Parisian flat with a touch of vintage, lots of wood and comfortable armchairs. Open until mid-July!
Sézane, Bauernmarkt 1, 1010 Vienna. Mon-Fri 10:00 to 19:00, Sat until 18:00. Until July. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Palais Hansen Kempinski
Open Day: 150 Years of Palais Hansen
If that isn't a reason to celebrate! The Palais Hansen Kempinski, a magnificent building on Vienna's Ringstrasse, is 150 years old! For this occasion, the hotel presents itself from its most beautiful side and is happy to be drooled over during (free) guided tours. While you breathe in a fine breeze of luxury on a tour of the building built by star architect Theophil Hansen, the history of the palace is revealed. And if you're exhausted from all the amazement, there's some refreshment and a raffle. Even if you get a blank, this is definitely a win-win opportunity!
Palais Hansen Kempinski, Schottenring 24, 1010 Vienna. 13 April 10:00 or 15:00. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Wiener Werkstattpreis
Werkstatt Prize for Photography 
Photo fanatics, snap artists and lens conjurers take note: The annual photo competition of the FZA association is coming up again! Amateur photographers can submit their work to the popular contest and have the chance to win 1,000 euros in prize money. Everything from documentary and street photography to abstract pictures is allowed, the only important thing is that they relate to this year's theme “menschen.leben” (human life). The winner is the photo with the most votes from the public and the best implementation of the theme – the deadline for entries is 30 April! Chop-chop!
Competition participation and photo submission until 30 April here Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Nähkollektiv: Open House
DIY ladies, sewing fanatics and fabric addicts take note: The Nähkollektiv opens its doors for 2 days of extensive creative fun! The joint project of Stoffsalon Wien and Komolka Stoffe holds various mini-workshops for great results in its three course rooms today and tomorrow. For example, you can learn patchwork, embroidery and visible mending (i.e. darning by hand) or get valuable professional tips for springtime jersey panties at the Overlock as well as developing your own skirt pattern. You could definitely spend all weekend here!
Nähkollektiv, Mariahilferstraße 53, 1060 Vienna. Fri 14:00 to 19:00, Sat 10:00 to 15:00. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Justyna Wisniewski, Monika Pufflerova
Belle Fin A Coustic
With Austropop in their hearts, Latin in their legs and chansons under their skin, with a black soul in their bellies and colourful satire on their tongues, the boys of Belle Fin heat up the Café am Heumarkt tonight. With their signature sound of vocals, guitar, trumpet, accordion and double bass, they move somewhere between songwriters and musical globe trotters and manage to be romantic at the same time. The result is as surprising as it is touching, but it's best to check it out and listen to it for yourself – it will start at 19:30!
Café am Heumarkt, Am Heumarkt 15, 1030 Vienna. 14 April 19:30. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Gemma Zukunft
Gemma Zukunft
The fact that Vienna is our absolute favourite city is not only due to its history – the future doesn't look bad either. You can discover exactly how during the “Gemma Zukunft” walks. Today on the treasure map: Atzgersdorf. A modern district is emerging from the recently unattractive industrial quarter, home to flats, shops, bars, a school campus and soon 15 hectares of public green space. Today's walk takes us to the former Unilever sites, the Sargfabrik and the Carré Atzgersdorf, with insights into future urban planning – fascinating!
Meeting point: Pfarre Atzgersdorf, Kirchenplatz 1, 1230 Vienna. 14 April 14:00. Free entry. Please register. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Marriott Hotel
Cheesecake Tasting
Careful, CitySpotterGirl is throwing a few calories into your mailbox now ;-) Namely: strawberry tiramisu cheesecake, bubble tea cheesecake, violet-blackberry cheesecake or a Linzer cheesecake. Doesn't that sound tempting, ladies? Influencer Sabrina Sterntal participates with a vanilla & lemon blueberry cheesecake. Today, the Marriott Hotel invites you to try a selection of cheesecakes in its garden café (first come, first served basis!) The tasting is free of charge, and the cake with the best rating will be added to the menu.
Vienna Marriott Hotel, Parkring 12a, 1010 Vienna. 15 April 12:00 to 16:00. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Kunst-VHS Wien
World Art Day at the Kunst-VHS
It's going to be colourful, diverse, crafty, picturesque and also a bit festive. Today is the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci, the master of precision – and to mark the occasion, the annual World Art Day is taking place. The VHS is celebrating the occasion with more than 700 courses – from music theory and harmonics to watercolour painting, choir singing and photography. And to keep the creative sparks flying, there are also exhibitions, musicals and plays in the small gallery, the KunstSalon 23 and the Kulturgarage – nice!

Kunst VHS, Lazarettgasse 27, 1090 Vienna. From April 15. Program online.
Tipps der Stadtspionin
LeMeVi: Open House Day
LeMeVi means “Lebe mehr Visionen” (live more visions). And this is exactly what Melanie and Lena try to convey to their patients. With consultations, supervision, seminars, workshops and networking opportunities in the field of psychological counselling and health promotion, they offer a space for well-being, exchange and participation. You can try it all out today at the Open House Day with several speakers and program items such as free singing, chair yoga, hand lettering with coaching or empowerment training. It starts at 11:00, everyone is welcome and admission is free!

LeMeVi, Zennergasse 10, 1160 Vienna. April 15 from 11:00 am. Free admission. Please register. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Seven North
Seven North: Sunday Brunch
This delicate, palate-pleasing breakfast-lunch mix delight called “brunch” simply makes Sunday the best day of the week! Today's location: the Seven North in the Max Brown Hotel. Here, the “King of Cauliflower” Eyal Shani once again conjures up his Mediterranean delicacies. Also on offer are classics like French toast and all-time favourites like the “Malka Schnitzel” and “Steak & Eggs”. The food spectacle is rounded off with Bloody Marys and Mimosas, and since you are sure to feel like dancing afterwards, there will be lively beats from DJ duo Moonshine Bunny on top!
Seven North, Schottenfeldgasse 74, 1070 Vienna. 16 April 11:00 to 15:00. From 13 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Room with a View
Sustainable and beautiful? Ecological and effective? These combinations are sometimes not so easy to find. This is exactly where WeFair comes to the rescue! Austria's largest sustainability fair invites 170 exhibitors from the areas of fair fashion, organic food, natural cosmetics as well as household utensils, sporting goods and sustainable investments to the Marx Halle for three days. Long-standing pioneers will be represented as well as innovative newcomers and there will also be a raffle plus a supporting programme à la street art, theatre and workshops – don't miss it!
Marx Halle, Karl-Farkas-Gasse 19, 1030 Vienna. 14-16 April 10:00 to 18:00. 8 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 wiener konfektion
Skirt Stories
For years, Gabriela Galarza de Konrath has been making Seventh even more artistic than it already is. She created the fine white window paintings that can be admired at Felzl and Rauch Juice Bar. Now she has discovered a new canvas, namely the casual-chic A-line skirts of the label wiener konfektion. The limited edition “Skirt Stories” features enchanting prints like a dalmatian losing its spots or Little Red Riding Hood – and today, you can have your unique skirt designed with the motif of your choice. How cool is that!
wiener konfektion, Westbahnstraße 4, 1070 Vienna. 17 April 17:00 to 20:00. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Peter Roider
Più Pilates
For a powerful start to the week, it's off to Più Pilates today! Because with her new fitness program, founder Christina Pikl offers a workout that not only helps you build up your muscles for that much longed-for bikini body, but also offers a little pampering program for scoliosis spines. And in order to make sure there’s some spunk to the moves, there's cool hip-hop beats to listen to during the exercises. Everyone is welcome, from newbies to pros, and the sessions could even be held in English upon request. Let's go!

Più Pilates, Neubaugasse 57, Room 7, 1070 Vienna. April 17, 18:30. 18 €/session. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
Quiz Night at the Bassena 
What facial feature is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa missing? What is the full name of Barbie? In which two EU countries is there no railroad network? All knowledge queens who can answer that are in good hands at the Tuesday Quiz Night at the Bassena Hotel! With pondering, fun and delicacies to share or give away, you will puzzle your way through the evening and perhaps even end up the quiz champion. For participants, there’s also a free drink with each dish, participation is free and you can bring as many as six fellow quizzers!

Bassena Vienna Donaustadt, Dr.-Adolf-Schärf-Platz 6, 1220 Vienna. Tuesdays 19:00. Participation free of charge. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Martina Stapf
Salto Vitale
Why is it actually so pleasant to indulge in reminiscences? Well, mostly because we simply repress many bad things and make the good things into even better memories! The Serapions ensemble has used this funny phenomenon of self-mockery for its latest play, which is based solely on the actors' subjective and personal memories of plays they did together. Each of them lives through the memories of the others and thus develops themselves further, until all want to follow the same goal. Confusing, dream-like and quite extraordinary!

Odeon Theater, Taborstraße 10, 1020 Vienna. April 18, 20:00. From 18 €. Web 
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Claudia Tondl
Old and lonely. Doesn't exactly sound like fun, but unfortunately it often corresponds to reality. Especially in big cities, older people are strongly affected by exclusion. In her play, director Ingrid Lang Lauermann analyses exactly this topic on the basis of Claudia Tondl's text “Schnee”: An elderly woman is found dead in her apartment. For weeks she has lain there unnoticed. How could this have happened? Exceptional cellist Lukas Lauermann tries to express musically what cannot be kept silent and what cannot be said. Moving!

Theater Nestroyhof Hamakom, Nestroyplatz 1, 1020 Vienna. April 19, 19:00. 24 €. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
StoP Women's Table
Some play it down, some are ashamed of it and others don't survive it: Domestic violence is a topic that is still often hushed up, even though it happens every day. At the Wieden Library, a step is being taken in the right direction and at the monthly StoP Women's Table, books and new approaches to topics such as female rage or feminine body images are being used to discuss the topic, which is as brutal as it is sad. Today's topic is methods of civil courage against partner violence. It starts at 9:30 and everyone can join in!

Wieden Library, Paulanergasse 1, 1040 Vienna. April 19, 9:30 to 11:00. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Barbara Lachner
Green Room
Green, greener, Green Room! A super-stylish shopping thing has opened in the first district. True to the motto “Enjoy green, shop consciously” you can exchange ideas about the latest organic, vegan, regional and fair-trade must-haves and of course shop to your heart's content. Sustainable labels such as Elizabeta Zefi, Kattus and Bioblo will be there. The pop-up was set up by Salon Verde and Uli Kasess, which explains the absolutely instagrammable lounge bar and the successfully-attracting frizzante window facing the street. We love!

Green Room, Himmelpfortgasse 12, 1010 Vienna. April 7-25. Mon-Fri 14:00 to 19:00, Sat 12:00 to 19:00. Web
Tipps der Stadtspionin
​Shop of the Week 
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 My Homents
My Homents  
Well, simply not invited anymore! That’s what happened to Petra and Philipp. The reason: They are just too good at being the hosts. And so the two decided to share and spread their skills. In the heart of the 18th, they have opened a temple of good taste in the courtyard of a former Biedermeier inn, where customers can find everything they need for their perfect dinner. From elegant tableware to gourmet ingredients to home accessories – and some recipe ideas are a treat on top. And if you're still lacking inspiration, there's a stunning show dining room on the 2nd floor waiting to be copied

My Homents, Lacknergasse 83, 1180 Vienna. Tue & Thu 13:00 to 18:00 or by appointment. Web
​Restaurant of the Week 
Tipps der Stadtspionin
 Niko Havranek
French-Moroccan cuisine: that's the new line from Cafe Bistro at mumok. Gastronome Bouchra Maani, who won many fans with a food truck at Kahlenberg last summer, has taken over the museum cafe. So from now on, in addition to quiche and salads, the recipes of her Moroccan mom will be served – all organic and with regional products as much as possible, by the way. The Moroccan puff pastry corners with minced meat or sheep's cheese are called Brick; but when there’s Rhobz maamar, you should definitely go for it: sandwiches with hours-long marinated lemon chicken from Marrakech.

food'amour, mumok, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna. Wed-Sun 10:00-18:00. Web


The StadtSpionin is an independent, weekly newsletter for women in the Vienna area.
It provides information on events, shops and restaurants, which the editorial staff singles out as recommend worthy.
Entries for payment are not possible. However, there is the possibility of placing an advertisement. The StadtSpionin appears every Thursday and will be shipped for free.

More information can be found on

Publisher and Editor in Chief:
Sabine Maier, Phorusgasse 7/1, 1040 Wien

Disclaimer: Despite careful editing and research, no liability can be retained for the accuracy of our content and its completeness.

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„The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.“
(Eleanor Roosevelt)